July 28, 2009

I Just Can't Seem to Finish A...

sentence. project. chore. thought. beer. hobby. task. Any of these words, tacked on to the title of my post, complete a sentence which accurately reflects a bit about me.

Ask my husband. He'll point you right to our Home Office and you'll immediately understand. As I sit here and look around this little room, I can identify seven distinct attempts I've made at something and then ultimately left hanging. I see scrap-booking stuff (haven't touched it in at least 2 years). Jewelry-making supplies (haven't had time in the last 2 months to do any designing). The "To Be Shredded" pile of papers sitting next to the shredder (no excuse...just don't want to do it). Clothes bin full of boys' winter clothes that need to be returned to the basement until next winter. Filing (oh. my. word.). Bills (oh crud! I should probably not leave those hanging). Interior design ideas to be filed for future reference and future expendable income.

What's my deal? I could so easily blame it on having kids. Something like "I never have time now that I'm a mom". But, honestly, I think it's more innate than that. I guess I'll have to do some more analyzing when I get the time...but I need to finish the laundry first.

July 26, 2009

Social Networking Whobie Whatie

"To tweet, or not to tweet"...that is the question. Or...is the question really "To blog, or not to blog"? Or, perhaps, "To Facebook, or not to Facebook"? I'm not even gonna pose the one about MySpace...the answer to that is most definitely "Not in my lifetime."

I've officially dabbled in all of the above - minus the MySpace. And, I have to say...huh. It's kinda weird when you think about it. Posting your thoughts, your actions, your life for people to see. But, for me, it's incredibly cathartic, and I'm fairly normal so it's not like I'll be posting anything intriguing. Since I'm not inclined to share my innermost secrets (do I have any??) via the webisphere, I think I'll keep mingling in the various networking tools to see if I find my little niche...or, until I get bored, I suppose. "When in Rome..." as they say.